Our equipments
Severe natural ageing
“Extreme conditions for your products”
Correlating ageing in the laboratory
with reality
Correlating ageing in the laboratory
with reality
Thanks to a fruit full partnership with Midi-Pyrénées Observatory, we set up in 2005 an ageing platform on the roof-top of “Pic du Midi de Bigorre” Observatory at 2,877m above sea level. Located in the middle of the Pyrenees mountain range, It consist in a probe stand placed in a wide open air under harsh weathering.
Pic-du-Midi de Bigorre
An incredible place with extreme conditions
in winter
time With very strong temperature variations
Winds during storms
Above sea level High level of ozone and high UV intensit
The key to prediction
of life
The key to prediction
of life
Thus we are able to test your samples to extreme combined climatic conditions. We are also working on reproducing these stresses in our laboratory in order to make correlations models to be able to accelerate ageing and predict ageing behaviour. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more.